Outside the Box!



 Let’s me face the fact. 
The fact is anything can happen. 
Everything is possible and possibilities are infinite.


Wait! Everything? Is possible? Infinite possibilities?

Yes. That’s correct.

(It is only our mind that sets limits; try pushing your mind beyond the box!)

I learned from seminars I’ve attended in the past that 

“If the intention is clear, then the mechanism will appear.”

Formula: Intention 100% + Mechanism 0% = Achieved Goal 100%

If my intention, (belief, purpose, faith) is clear then the mechanism (activity, action, system) will appear! ~ and that will make me achieve my goal!

100% intention that is ALL IT TAKES!


Then, let me be clear:

“I want financial wealth; I want more money, so I could be of more service to people esp. to my family, relatives and friends.” and

“I want financial wealth; I want more money, so I could enjoy more of life’s grandeur.”

Clear enough.

LESSON #2. What am I unwilling to do?

 That's the BIG QUESTION.

What are you unwilling to do to make your dreams come true? 


Please click here to see Lesson #1 on Money Matters. Thanks!

 -day 48-


  1. I am unwilling to leave my family behind inorder for me to earn big

  2. thats true pushing your mind beyond the limit or no limits at all. everything will be impossible for you to reach..

    1. "everything will be "impossible" for you to reach.." I say everything will be possible! :)

  3. What won't I do? - that's more about choices (will, will not) than leaving to fate what you can and/or can't do.

    1. yup! what won't you do? -we can, yes, we can.. sometimes we are just making excuses! :)

  4. I try hard to achieve my goals and I make sure that I give my best when I do things, just doing the things I love is enough. Om Shanti :)

  5. im still thinking my unwilling ways to be rich :)

  6. What can I say than to AGREE!!!
    yes . We are living in the world of possibilities. choices and chances :))

  7. this is what we need. Positive attitude and healthy lifestyle.

  8. I am unwilling to take the short cut towards my dreams.:) This is a nice post, good perk up and pep talk to self. Thanks for sharing.:)

  9. The possibilities are only limited if you let them. As long as you don't stop taking chances, the possibility of attaining something awesome is always an open door. You are the only who can define your limitations so never set a boundary for yourself to be a great person. Wealth isn't defined by money alone. Some people have tons of it but still they don't feel as wealthy.

  10. Success is in our subconscious mind. If you think you can, you can. If you do other wise, it will realize too. The main question is the point of proximity. It will happen of what you're thinking about, but how near, how far. It is possible, but when. Therefore, dream + resources = success.

  11. I want health, love, peace of mind and wealth.. for me and my family. I want PEACE for all.

    What I won't do? There are lots.. For one, I will not destroy my family's name and cheat my way into getting what I want. I will reach my goal, fair and square.

  12. I am unwilling to lose my voice and my dignity just to make my dreams come true. I'd rather work hard for it and enjoy the end result than have it at a snap of my finger but with guilt lurking behind my head.... ;)

  13. True. We have to prioritize our goals for us to be successful. Know what you want and set aside things that may affect your progress. :)

  14. This reminds me of my workout routine... on how you need to do good negatives to succeed.

  15. Thank you for the reminder hehe

  16. Fair enough! Unwilling to send my daughter to girls school. She will stay with me till she finish her A levels.

  17. Wow, you made it sound so simple! It must really be that simple. It's just our minds that complicate things. :=)

  18. I am successful in my own way.Success doest not necessary means money .We can be success full with little or enough money .Being rich is an advantage ,with money we can help our family and other people.

  19. Goals + Perseverance + Faith = SUCCESS!!!

    I totally agree that in able to get what we want we must accept daily challenges.

    Ikaw na ang idol! ^_^ can we exchange links?

  20. wow gemma very gratifying.... -dhel

  21. AT the end of the day ,we still choice what's the best for us and for our family

  22. Its the secret. Want it, desire it, think it, own it!

  23. How very true. That's what the hubby always says as well, it's only our minds that set the limits and possibilities :) I have got to let out the dreamer in me!

  24. That's quite a tricky question at the end of this post. I'll go back sometime when I will have formulated my answer. :)

    1. let's see how committed you are with your promise here...


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