Ms. Cabile

I am grateful to all my teachers!


There was this one particular teacher, may she rest in peace, who was beautiful in and out and I’ll never forget her.


It was the end of our freshmen year when she gave me this beautiful felt-paper made bookmark. It said, 


“Gemma, You are born to be a winner! 

Love, Ms. Cabile”


You know what, Ms. Cabile, I held on to that. I held on to that my all of my high school years, all of my college years… and up to now, I am holding on to that beautiful message. 


 Thank you for believing in me!

 I hope this reaches heaven :)


Who believes in you? Give Thanks!

 -day 27-


  1. Gems, you are blessed to have remembered the person/s who have touched you in a special way... Let's us hope that perpetual light will continue to shine on her...

  2. sometimes we just need one particular word of encouragement from the people who believe in us and in our capabilities to get where we are and where we supposed to be , If she said you are a born a winner you are coz everything you write is from your heart . I do believe that Teachers are already have a place in heaven coz we touches so many lives from here and from eternity .

  3. I do believe in the power of encouragement. I had a somber life. I submitted myself into binges or should I say beyond bizarre binges. Before I thought, I could never surpass even the lowest peak and the narrowest lake seemed impassable. My life was a seesaw with two equilibrium positions. One side is stable, while the other side is unstable. I was always pushed to the unstable side which left me grasping firmly on the handle bar to keep me from falling back. I was hoping against hope that someone will pull the stable side of the seesaw to lift me up. Then, the flickers of hope shine through, someone came. That person continuously pull the other side... That person shed my semi dismal existence with a resplendent light. And she becomes my wife.

  4. Mornings@phl...thanks for the comment! Would love to hear more from you! :)

  5. @shalomidom... very well said! thanks.. I believe so too!

  6. @kennethli... God is good! Thank God for your Aileen everyday! :)

  7. hope all teachers are like you, Guys! - Jemer

  8. as a teacher, mother , grandmother and as a human being as long as we are living our influence in the world will never stop .Keep up the good work I know you are a great teacher and a mother as well your writing also influence others , to speak what's in your mind and write it from your heart is God's blessing so triple your talent by sharing your blessings to others . More power to you my child.- Cleotilde Federis

  9. As a teacher myself, i really felt the words you used here. May she RIP. As for you, you are a very kind student who pays tribute to people who touched your heart. God Bless you!


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