Outside the Box!
Welcome to WEALTHY TUESDAYS! Money-Matters! Let’s me face the fact. The fact is anything can happen. Everything is possible and possibilities are infinite. Good. Wait! Everything? Is possible? Infinite possibilities? Yes. That’s correct. (It is only our mind that sets limits; try pushing your mind beyond the box!) I learned from seminars I’ve attended in the past that “If the intention is clear, then the mechanism will appear.” Formula: Intention 100% + Mechanism 0% = Achieved Goal 100% If my intention, (belief, purpose, faith) is clear then the mechanism (activity, action, system) will appear! ~ and that will make me achieve my goal! 100% intention that is ALL IT TAKES! Wow! Then, let me be clear: “I want financial wealth; I want more money, so I could be of more service to people esp. to my family, relatives and friends.” and “I want financial wealth; I want more money, so I could enjoy more of life’s grandeu...