Part of the Plan

Sharing you with what it felt like to be living without my family by my side, two weeks after the Phils to USA journey. The price I had to pay for wanting my family to be together.

I live one day at a time.

I live by God’s graces, blessings and surprises each day..

I cry hearing God’s words in Mass… secretly

I cry singing God’s songs in Mass.. secretly

I do not have my own concrete plan.. it is all God

I can only do so much…

But God would always hear my voice, our voices
my laughter, our laughter as I, as we hide the pain inside being away from our families

and yet.. seeing the beauty of it all…

begging to make haste the time..

yearning for the places to merge, hug people we love..

And yet.. in my heart it is all part of the plan.

A vision untouched waiting to be realized.

I live one day at a time…

For that is the only thing I can do

And what seem impossible becomes possible.. for I’ve seen real angels being sent every time, each time, always.

A part of the plan.

Part of the Big Plan.

In the meantime.. I laugh and smile and cry inside without even knowing why.. simply no reasons. 
Just gratefulness!

And so it is.

October 8, 2007
7th Wedding Anniversary
New Orleans, Louisiana

Sept. 22, 2007 - left Phils. to US
Sept. 18, 2008 - family came to join me here in the US.


  1. God's plan is to have a happy family, a family that prays together, a family that stays together for better or for worse. Well, as a loving mother who burns the midnight candle for the welfare of her family will do her best. Day in, day out, she works hard. She bears all the painful situation of staying away from her family. But as the circumstance working well, cooperatively going with the very purpose of the Lord, getting together and even stay together forever is realized a matter of a year. I'm happy about that, you've claimed your family back and they're now staying with you. You know the Lord is so kind. He always looks after your well-being for you're true and faithful. More power to you and God bless! :)

  2. I can relate on what you felt when you were miles far away from your family cos I have experienced being far from them and far from my 3 year old daughter when I flew and stayed in the UK for 5 months. I was homesick everyday but didnt reach to the point that I was desperate to go home and cut my holiday shortly. I was so happy when I saw then waiting for me at our home here in Davao with their big smiles in my comeback. Your lucky to be with your family now, Im happy for you. God is so good! :)

  3. wow in just 1 year your family was able to join you, that's great! I remember my first holiday away from my family it's really heartbreaking. And during that time we don't have internet yet at home and calling overseas is so expensive. ;(


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