
Showing posts from February, 2012

Becoming Anti-Social

Starting today, I will be taking my hiatus from the social networking sites and blogosphere.  I promise to make up the 14 write-ups when I get back on March 11, 2012. :) My 60th day report on THE CHALLENGE (of losing weight in 90 days!) will be moved to March 12, 2012. I am excited to see your results too! :) I simply need to focus on what's important and it's coming up in two week's time! This will be my FIRST TIME to ever do this, be away from the networking sites to just FOCUS. But then again, I have always been wondering what my life would be without FACEBOOK. So, might as well take advantage of this time. I will be writing about this experience for sure! For the meantime, please feel FREE to browse around and see what you missed in the 73 posts I have so far, in my 365 days project!   A new page has been posted, I hope you noticed. ABOUT. In this page, I have written my blogging history and sites I've created and maintained through the years. Please check it out...

Happy Thoughts!

"Get out, get out, get out even more, Gemma!  Because there are people you've yet to meet, laughs you've yet to share,  stories you've yet to live, and riches you've yet to tap into,  that will not find you under any other circumstances." -   This message came from TUT. Who is TUT ? What is TUT ? Click this link to find out!:)   Everyday, I'd receive messages in my email, for FREE! and it's like an energy booster!  Let me share you some... The trick to blending work and play, Gemma, lies not in what you do, but in how you view what you do. See work as play and see play as important - super, very. Super, very important -     The Universe -------------- With great responsibility, Gemma, comes great power. The more you accept of the first - for your happiness, unhappiness, and all else - the more you are given of the latter. Sounds like a deal,     The Universe   ------------- At all times and in all place...

Facing Me

  My heart is leading me to reach new heights once more. Do something new. Do something different. Do something wild. Do something risky. and Just Do It! And I will. No more excuses. Time to face my fears. Time to face my threats. Time to face the challenges. Time to explore. Time to leap. Time to face my reality. God be my guide. NAMASTE. -day 72- *shortened version World of Thoughts|April 15, 2011. Photo: El Morro National Park New Mexico, USA

Gem Answers # 8

Image C a T c H   m y   T h O u G h T s ! A man who fears suffering is already suffering from what he fears. -Michel de Montaigne PurpleDr... Am I discounting his feelings? My husband worries a lot about things that probably not going to happen. (Chicken Little & the sky falling) For example today I told him we had new neighbors and they had a 13 yo boy and he responded with "that is peeping tom age" I responded like I usually do with head nods. He says that I am discounting his feelings because I think he is over reacting...he thinks he is taking care of his family. Do you think I am being rude? And what do I say to try to express myself w/out making him feel like he does not matter?   Gems Best Answer - Chosen by Asker Best if you can make him relate or share t...

Dear Majoy,

I remember feeling the fear just thinking that I may one day find myself without someone who will be there with me for life. Becoming single forever. Living alone. On my own. The fear, as I now analyzed was coming from wrong perceptions, and my own concept of single blessedness. I was 26 when I got married. Now, it had been 9 years! And guess what?  I am actually looking back and asking myself.. what if I..., what if I hadn’t found the man I would marry, what if I am still single? and am actually excited on the what -ifs! haha.  Coming here, seeing all the possibilities, looking outside the box, Majoy, there is really soooo much more! Not that I am wanting to be single again.  OK, for a day or two, would really love to be.. hehe see, no kids, no kiddy hubby too! hehe just plain old me spending my time just for me.. kinda all ME, ME, ME! Had I not married at 26, I know I would be going through the same way you are going through now.. but then again, a...

Shalom, The Goddess!

I met her when we where applying in Manila, Philippines.  I happened to sit beside them (she was with friends) for a few minutes  and she just started to talk as if we knew each other!  We saw each other again in New Orleans, and SHE started the conversation again!  In my mind, I was like, "who is she?!!" And then I got to know her. She is Shalom . She calls herself, THE GODDESS. She S peaks her mind. She H ighlights her life with laughter! She A llows love and kindness to take over. She L oves to spread happiness! She O verwhelms me with her wisdom! She M esmerizes people with her beauty, charm and wittiness! She is Shalom . Here are her best SHALOMIDOM in my blog posts.   "Happiness is a choice and I choose it everyday and forever" on lessons learned "if chance is the only thing we have and a choice that we have to take if it's written in the stars and the universe conspire who am I to deny my own destiny"  on Destiny: A matter of . . . ? ...

To thine own self be true!

OK. Last January 8, 2012 , I challenged myself to lose weight!  Determined, inspired and committed, I was able to lose 9 lbs in a month. See my results after a month (February 8, 2012) here . I was still eating 3x a day, still with rice (just less), meat (chicken, pork, beef), fish and veggies.  Fruits, nuts and pop corns during break times and I exercise! The problem is, I need to keep up, I need to continue!!!  I have 10 more pounds to lose and I am faltering!!! All fattening foods just taste good! Look at all these Filipino foods!...  How can one resist eating these without RICE and more RICE!!!??? 3961165_f520.jpg lechon.jpg l mindanao‑food4.jpg How will I be able to control myself from eating and eating and eating?? The thinking part of me says "We live only once, enjoy!" The emotional part of me says "Be happy! Life is meant for happiness! Food makes you happy!" The spiritual part of me says "Those who won't work, won't eat. You work, you eat! Th...

Prayer #5

Father God, we praise, honor and glorify Your name. We adore You, we worship You and w e thank You. AMEN. atop El Morro National Park, New Mexico, USA -day 67-

The World and You

Andrew Matthew's FOLLOW YOUR HEART     You see people not as they are but as you are.  Your experience of the world is actually you experiencing yourself.     If you don't like what you are seeing,  blaming the mirror doesn't help. In a nutshell: In fixing your life: WORKING ON YOURSELF WORKS,  AND TRYING TO CHANGE THE WORLD DOESN'T. Andrew Matthew's FOLLOW YOUR HEART Check out PART OF THE PLAN   post at PINOY TEACHER'S STORIES   blog site. Thanks for reading! :) NAMASTE. -day 66- 

Part of the Plan

Sharing you with what it felt like to be living without my family by my side, two weeks after the Phils to USA journey. The price I had to pay for wanting my family to be together. I live one day at a time. I live by God’s graces, blessings and surprises each day.. I cry hearing God’s words in Mass… secretly I cry singing God’s songs in Mass.. secretly I do not have my own concrete plan.. it is all God I can only do so much… But God would always hear my voice, our voices my laughter, our laughter as I, as we hide the pain inside being away from our families and yet.. seeing the beauty of it all… begging to make haste the time.. yearning for the places to merge, hug people we love.. And yet.. in my heart it is all part of the plan. A vision untouched waiting to be realized. I live one day at a time… For that is the only thing I can do And what seem impossible becomes possible.. for I’ve seen real angels being sent every time, each time, always. A part of the plan. Part...

Gem Answers # 7

I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy  for the rest of your life. -Rita Rudner C a T c H   m y   T h O u G h T s ! (I’m not a guru, I'm not an expert but here is my answer to the following question...)   QUESTION "What is it like being married?"   ANSWER The first two months were a bliss. After that, I don't know. LOL! Well, it was mainly because, Dennis, needed to leave the country two months after tying the knot! So, my marriage arrangement was different. Every after nine months (Dennis' contract), I would be at the airport to pick him up and then after three months he would be away again. For years it was just in the honeymoon stage and some reality stage. That was our cycle. We were never in the other deep stages until after almost eight years of being married. What is it like being married?   It's like a roller coaster;   It's a kaleidoscop...

Len, the Writer

Thursdays are for GREAT PEOPLE in my life! WELCOME TO  "YOU'RE GREAT"  THURSDAYS! Today, I am featuring my friend, Len .   We crossed paths in 1999. We were both new members of  Tambuli Toastmasters, in Makati, Philippines then and our minds were just in sync. She was the one who influenced me to blog in 2006 (via Friendster blogs) and up to now she's still convincing me to continue to work on my writing so I'll become a (serious) writer someday. Here's Len. When did you discover your love for writing? I began writing stories when I was in high school. My first avid reader was my sister. I remember writing a comic book about twins who fell in love with the same boy. Sadly, I don't know anymore where the notebooks are.  I should have kept them somewhere safe. Tell us about your blog, Len Lambert, the Writer... how is it different from Conversations with Self? Conversations with Self  was created sometime in 2007.  It began as a personal blog, some...

Return to Love

Image m “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.     It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us.     We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.     Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We are born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us, it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ^^ Authored and published by Marianne Williamson ^^ -day 63-

To be or not to be?

Here’s the recap of the lessons on wealth and money so far: Lesson #1 What am I seeing? How comfortable are you with the idea of wealth, money, and becoming rich? How open are you to the idea of changing one’s money belief to attract what we really wanted and what we really deserved? A lot of us just "unconsciously" don’t want money and wealth. We all have our own negative beliefs about money and can't seem to let go. Unless, we can see it in our minds, it will be impossible to achieve it. Lesson #2 What won’t I do? What are you unwilling to do to make your dreams come true? Excuses, we are just so full of it. “To a person who wants, he will always have ways to do it, those who don’t, plenty of excuses.” Lesson #3 Are you ready? Are you ready to attract wealth and money by simply being, becoming a...

Yummy Treats :)

I wasn't able to resist eating all the sweets in the birthday celebrators' table last weekend.    Since I don't want to restrict and torture myself from enjoying the food, I tasted, nope, ate everything and anything that was offered! Do I feel bad (now) from eating it? No. Even if I'm trying to adapt the "healthy eating lifestyle", it also wouldn't hurt to eat caloric, not too healthy and yummy treats once in a while.  Beating myself up, feeling negative about it and being too "strict" are not the way to go.  The one day, or one night of "falling off the wagon" won't stop me from reaching my goal, long term. Is that good justification enough? LOL! NAMASTE. -day 61-

Prayer #4

Will you please join me in prayer today? Father God, we praise, honor and glorify Your name. We adore You and we worship You. We thank You. We thank You for all your blessings; for giving us good health; for keeping us safe; for the food in the table; for our jobs; for our families and relatives who always support us; for good friends who stand by us; for helping us make the right decisions; and for making our dreams come true. In Jesus' Name. Amen. -day 60-