I Believe I Can Ride!

Our minds our powerful. Whatever we think, we create!


I remember it was summer time during my elementary days when my cousins had already learned how to ride a bicycle. 

We didn't have any bicycle to use then.

Every time I would see them enjoy riding one, there was this gushing feeling from within that I could do it too! My mind just seemed to shout, "You could learn to ride a bicycle too!", "Yes, you'll enjoy it too!!!", "It's easy!!!"

Grabbing the opportunity, one lunch time, in the heat of the midday's sun, when everybody was busy eating. I borrowed the bike they were using and taught myself to ride a bike! On my own!

After, like, the long 15 minutes of attempting, falling, trying again and again and again, I was finally able to balance myself and enjoy the ride! It was a freeing moment for me!

In my mind, I knew I could do it, and I did!

There were so many times after that experience that I'd tap in the power of my mind. 

I simply have to know what I want, believe I could do it and true enough, it happens!

No doubts, no fears, no excuses.

What about you? Do you allow fear, doubts and excuses to keep you from achieving what you want in life?

I hope not.



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