Soccer, Volleyball and Badminton- Err- ERRORS!

Photo credit: Gallup Adult Soccer Team Daisy Dukes vs. Sparks April 29, 2012 3:30pm I just made three penalties in our game today!!! wahhhhh! 1. CATCHING THE BALL. As the ball was kicked to the goal by our opponent, in an instinct, I tried to catch the ball! .. Ok, I am playing at Gallup Adult Soccer League Team, a newbie! .. and I've yet to internalize the rules! Funny, but prior to today's game, we were playing Volleyball yesterday, and the volleyball player in me took over! Referee's decision: Opponent's point! 2. TOUCHING THE BALL. I was assigned as a defense, while trying to defend the ball from entering the goalie's territory, the ball touched my shoulder! .. another error!!! Opponent got to play a free kick! 3. PASS BACK TO KEEPER. The ball came to my stance, and was accidentally kicked to my keeper! OMG! It was not intentional, and even if it was, I wouldn't even know what it meant! Referee, gave the opponent a free kick aga...