Los Angeles Adventure: Civic Center

I just had to go and see Los Angeles! (on my own!)

So what I did was to ask my friend to drop me off the Bus Station and
my Los Angeles Metro Rail (Red Line) Day Adventure began!

Here was the bus I took that brought me to the Rail Station.

My guide! I followed the RED LINE.
They have interesting designs by stations...
My first stop: The Civic Center
Here was the opener!
My first stop. Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. It serves as a "model Church for all Parish Churches" in the style and content of its liturgical celebration - Wikipedia. 

Inside the church
My second stop. The Walt Disney Concert Hall.  It is fourth hall of the Los Angeles Music Center. It seats 2,265 people and serves (among other purposes) as the home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic orchestra and the Los Angeles Master Chorale - Wikipedia.


Just love the color of spring! :)

1st station done! Ready for my next stop -  Wilshire/Western :)
(continued here...)

March 21-30, 2008
New Orleans via Atlanta to Los Angeles -
Pasadena - Hollywood trip

visit me here too!


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