
Showing posts from March, 2012


Silence my heart Lord, let me be reminded that You are here. Silence my heart Lord, let me stay in Your love. Silence my heart Lord, and embrace me with Your amazing power. Silence my heart Lord, as You create a clean heart for me. Silence my heart Lord, as You strengthen my inner will. Silence my heart Lord, as You heal me. Silence my heart Lord, as I listen to You.   Silence my heart Lord, as I follow You.           Only You can heal my life Praise, honor and glory Be to Your Name. AMEN.  -day 107 Photo Arizona, USA

The Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you  Robi Marapao of Faith, Hope and Love!   for the VERSATILE BLOG AWARD ! Yay!    Robi writes about inspiring soul food articles that will help you  grow closer to God. Please do check him out!   RULES TO FOLLOW: * Thank the blogger who awarded you and add a link to their blog in your post. * Share 7 things (possibly nobody knows) about yourself. * Share the award with 15 other recently discovered blogs that you love and inform them! SEVEN THINGS ABOUT MYSELF.   1) I am the eldest of three, the only female! 2) I wore eye glasses at Grade 4, contact lenses in college and then back to eye glasses!  3) I've always had pimples, acne and super oily skin!!! PROACTIVE did me good!!!!   4) I love to write! As soon as I'm over writing it, I'm ready to move on! 5) I love Leo Buscaglia , the writer of Living, Loving and Learning book! 6) I've been blogging since 2006.   7) My son, Mimoi, loves ABC MOUSE (online games for Pre-K to...

Coming to New Orleans - Canal Street

Let me take you to the HEART OF NEW ORLEANS - Canal Street!    Still, a lot would take the bus as a form of transportation.  ...but most, prefer to walk!  This is the downtown, the center of New Orleans.. where a lot of things are going on! For one, remember "There's just one more reason to love New Orleans!" advertisement in the airport/luggage section? well, that's HARRAH's New Orleans Casino .  Major establishments and businesses are located here. This is New Orleans' Riverwalk . It overlooks the beautiful Mississippi River (I'll show some more pictures of this, next time!)  See the New Orleans' STREETCAR?  New Orleans is also known as the "Hollywood South"!  They were actually filming, I was just lucky to be there that time! To know more about THINGS TO SEE AND DO in NEW ORLEANS. Visit their website @ New Orleans Online Check out Coming to New Orleans - Airport and Out! and Coming to New Orleans - The House visit me here too!

Coming to New Orleans - The House!

Let's go home.   Here are the houses near our street - in the Mid City - New Orleans. Here we are! This is the 2nd house we rented for almost 10 months!  This is where we planned our days and nights and made our goals come true! This is where I made all MY VISION BOARDS . This is where friendships started to bloom. This is where we all started to settle down, accept changes and understand our realities. Our home away from home. ------ Check out Coming to New Orleans - Airport and Out! and Coming to New Orleans - Canal Street! visit me here too!

At home in New Orleans!

New Orleans, Louisiana through my lenses!  Join me as I ignite my lovely memories of the city I lived in for more than three years! The city that welcomed me with open arms.  The city that taught me lessons that helped me grow.  The city where beautiful, warm, caring, thoughtful and loving Filipinos live! B L A S T   F R O M   T H E   P A S T MY JOURNEY - OUR JOURNEY. Check out   Coming to New Orleans - Canal Street Coming to New Orleans - The House   Coming to New Orleans - Airport and Out!   at PINOY TEACHER'S STORIES. Thanks for reading! :) NAMASTE.   -day 102-104

Coming to New Orleans - Airport and Out!

New Orleans, Louisiana through my lenses!  Join me as I ignite my lovely memories of the city I lived in for more than three years! The city that welcomed me with open arms.  The city that taught me lessons that helped me grow.  The city where beautiful, warm, caring, thoughtful and loving Filipinos live! B L A S T   F R O M   T H E   P A S T MY JOURNEY - OUR JOURNEY. I was just as excited as you are! New Orleans here we come!.. YES!!! I was here! We are here!!! Different races! Different... different... different! (but the SAME, right?) We could hear the jazz music all over the airport! Beautiful New Orleans music! At last our baggage!!! Can't wait to see what's in store for us!!! Oh, I am loving New Orleans already! My journey - Our journey just began... Check out Coming to New Orleans - The House and Coming to New Orleans - Canal Street! Photos: taken after California Spring break  2008 visit me here too!

I play SOCCER!!!

Prior to entering 2nd year college, we were interviewed, one by one by our College Assistant Dean.  He looked at my grades and then asked, "Are you sure you want to major in Computer Technology?", I said, "Yes Sir!", he blurted "Mmmm... why not PE?" PE was my lowest grade! "Are you OK sir?", I answered, "As you can see, I do have the lowest grade in PE!!!" I wasn't into sports, well, during high school days, I did play Volleyball with my friends. The homeowner's association would organize summer sports for youth, and I was part of that. I did have PE classes - table tennis and dance! and I did play fun running and other games when I was a kid! But that's about it! I mean, I would rather read and write than play sports! So, I kinda surprised myself yesterday BECAUSE for the very first time in my entire life, I PLAYED SOCCER (the whole 9 yards!) Well, I was in for a surprise! I was catching my breath the whole time!!!   I ha...

Liebster Award

I've just been given the Liebster award!!! Thank you Michi - check her out at My Other Nook . (She blogs about giveaways, promo, contest, sale, announcement, tips and anything under the sun!) Liebster is a German word that means beloved or favorite. This award is only for blogs with fewer than 200 followers, so up-and-coming bloggers are recognized for their creative works! Here are the rules to accept this award: 1) Each tagged person must post 7 to 10 things about themselves. 2) Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you. 3) Reveal your top 5 picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog. 4) Copy and paste the award and rules on your blog. 5)  Have faith that your followers will spread the love to other bloggers. 6)  And most of all - have fun! 10 Things About ME. 1) I am still, up to now, learning how to cook! 2) I love to read! I'd make sure to finish what I'm reading even if it's past midnight already!!! 3) I can be with my co...

Go placidly...

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.  As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.  Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant, they too have their story.     Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.   If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.  Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.  Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery.  But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.  Be yourself.   Especially, do not feign affection. Neither ...