
I do what I do

Writing is my outlet! I have been doing this since Grade 4. When I’ve written what I have in mind, I would sleep really well and would move on.  So, it’s like a therapy to me! Lol! I love writing, I love the process of unfolding, unraveling, cocooning, De-boning as I put the exact words in my piece.. Kind of like a puzzle... Almost there, but not quite... yet! I know I am involved in the process of becoming as I continue to write, as I continue to grow, yearn and learn. I am still challenging myself to be so much more, do so much more and make my dreams come true for myself and for my family.  I look forward to have us all achieve our grandest desires for ourselves and our loved ones.  My mission is to continuously inspire, encourage and motivate myself and hopefully – you! (if by chance you read this) to just get out of our shells and be, do and have more in life.  To BE MORE, D...

better half's time-out!

This is the first time in years since coming here in America that I allowed Dennis, my hub by , to take a break, mmm, it’s actually more of a time-out! Lol! He’s in an H4 visa, what it simply means is that he can’t work, since he is my dependent.  It was a relief for me when he gave up his job as a seaman 4 years ago, because that was my dream – for our family to be together.  Good thing too, because that time our youngest was only 2 years old. Mimoi went to school at 4 years old because of the transition (we needed to move from one state to another).  I love that he is just at home, doing all house work, with no vices and just focused on us, his family. Though Dennis made productive use of his time by creating projects for the house, sometimes, there's really nothing to do, so he’d watch movies and tele-novelas all day! Lately, he opted to attend the early Mass, just so he’d be spared from our hustle and bustle of morning preparation ...

Learning Life's Lessons!

I heard or read somewhere that life will continue to give us lessons until we learn it. Two weeks after graduating from college, I was already teaching college students.    I was so idealistic, perfectionist and wouldn’t tolerate students who were cheating, talking while I was teaching and not doing their work. Ye s , I was really strict! Many of my former students would attest to that! The thing was even if I knew I needed to change, I continued on doing what I was doing because I was afraid if I lost my control, if I became friendly and acted my age (I was just 20 then!, some of my students were even older than me!), I felt my students wouldn’t respect me and may took advantage of my kindness. So I continued on with my demeanor; I pushed my students to meet my expectations! I abhorred cheating, if they did so (I was good at finding out; because all our activities were computerized), the next day they would find their names written in bold caps posted in t...

Should we shut up or tell the world our plans, dreams and goals?

  When our desires are deep-seated, when we want something so bad, when we want our hopes and dreams to come true… what do we usually do?  Keep it to oursel ves or let the whole world know about it? My mom would always say that if you have plans, keep it to yourself. Let it be between you and God first, and when it comes to pass, then shout it out to the whole world! I’ve followed that rule from ever since. I even posted about it here . But really, what’s wrong with the picture of shouting out to the whole world your plans, goals, and dreams? Just thinking aloud, is it because if we let people know the desires of our h earts, if we allow people to know our goals and plans; if we permit ourselves to be heard, is it FEAR that really holds us back? Fear of people with negative vibes? Fear of people jinxing our plans? Fear of people who could take away our “power”? Lol!  OR is it more of an internal fear? Fear that if the plans don’t h...

Loving Work :)

When I started my work as a Special Ed Teacher here in America, it just felt natural. I mean, I was elated to be here, right? So I was just like a sponge, wanting to learn, wanting to do more, wanting to be more. One of the duties that we have to do is to pull out the student for testing. We need this so we would know the present level of performance of the student in the core subjects: Reading; Math; Writing. I enjoy doing this. I enjoy pulling out students and testing them. I think every time, I’d do this, I’d mutter to myself that I can just do this and this alone! Lol! I also like writing IEPs. IEPs are Individualized Education Programs for the students with needs.   This is done yearly to our caseload (students under our care). Fast forward to today. 4 years after. I’m testing kids. I’m checking IEPs for compliance. These are the only two major things that I do now.   Whatever our minds can conceive and believe, it will achieve!   ...

I Believe I Can Ride!

Our minds our powerful. Whatever we think, we create!   I remember it was summer time during my elementary days when my cousins had already learned how to ride a bicycle.  We didn't have any bicycle to use then. Every time I would see them enjoy riding one, there was this gushing feeling from within that I could do it too! My mind just seemed to shout, "You could learn to ride a bicycle too!", "Yes, you'll enjoy it too!!!", "It's easy!!!" Grabbing the opportunity, one lunch time, in the heat of the midday's sun, when everybody was busy eating. I borrowed the bike they were using and taught myself to ride a bike! On my own! After, like, the long 15 minutes of attempting, falling, trying again and again and again, I was finally able to balance myself and enjoy the ride! It was a freeing moment for me! In my mind, I knew I could do it, and I did! There were so many times after that experience that I'd tap in the ...

How old is old?

How old is old? So I called my 89-year-old friend again. She's at home, she said, working on her crossword puzzles. "I thought you joined the Senior Center?" I asked. She said, "Oh, it's not for me. They were too old for me!" Too old?! Lol! She is 89 years old!!! How old is old?!! Photo credit I guess, age is really just in the mind. Like everything else, it all begins in our mind! I was just browsing at some of our family pictures. You see, my husband and I just celebrated our 12 years of being married, and that means... well... 12 years!!! Oh my! Our eldest is already 10 years old, and she has grown big and tall! She was just a baby 10 years ago!!! and that would mean I've grown 10 years older since the day she was born. But, I feel like I haven't aged! Lol! It's all in the mind. Well, in my mind, I continue to be 27 years old! hehehe It all begins in our mind. If my 89 years old friend says Senior Center is ...