I do what I do

Writing is my outlet! I have been doing this since Grade 4. When I’ve written what I have in mind, I would sleep really well and would move on. So, it’s like a therapy to me! Lol! http://gemsdaily.blogspot.com I love writing, I love the process of unfolding, unraveling, cocooning, De-boning as I put the exact words in my piece.. Kind of like a puzzle... Almost there, but not quite... yet! I know I am involved in the process of becoming as I continue to write, as I continue to grow, yearn and learn. I am still challenging myself to be so much more, do so much more and make my dreams come true for myself and for my family. I look forward to have us all achieve our grandest desires for ourselves and our loved ones. My mission is to continuously inspire, encourage and motivate myself and hopefully – you! (if by chance you read this) to just get out of our shells and be, do and have more in life. To BE MORE, D...